Annual General Meeting
Friday 7 April 2017
11:00 Crooklands Hotel, Milnthorpe, LA7 7NW
11:00 Crooklands Hotel, Milnthorpe, LA7 7NW
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of AGM held on 8 April 2016
3. Chairman’s Annual Report
4. Treasurer’s Statement of Accounts
5. Nomination and Election of Officers & Committee Members ( see below)
President –
Chairman –
Secretary –
Treasurer –
Programme Secretary –
Membership Secretary –
Committee Members
6. Appointment of Independent Examiner
7. Any Other Business
Following the AGM, our Research Fellow Alex Kidson will speak on ‘Romney and his fellow models.' This should be an excellent up to the Lady Hamilton exhibition at the National Maritime Museum.
2. Minutes of AGM held on 8 April 2016
3. Chairman’s Annual Report
4. Treasurer’s Statement of Accounts
5. Nomination and Election of Officers & Committee Members ( see below)
President –
Chairman –
Secretary –
Treasurer –
Programme Secretary –
Membership Secretary –
Committee Members
6. Appointment of Independent Examiner
7. Any Other Business
Following the AGM, our Research Fellow Alex Kidson will speak on ‘Romney and his fellow models.' This should be an excellent up to the Lady Hamilton exhibition at the National Maritime Museum.
For Candidates for election to the positions of Honorary Officers and other members of the Executive Committee
* President
* Chairman
* Vice Chairmen
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* Membership Secretary
* Other Executive Committee Members
Members are asked to note that any nominated candidate should signify their agreement to their nomination.
Any member who wishes to nominate a candidate for election to the Executive Committee should do so in writing to be received by the secretary Sue Mulvany, Little Crag, Crook, Kendal, LA8 8LE or by email at [email protected] by Friday 24 March 20
* President
* Chairman
* Vice Chairmen
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* Membership Secretary
* Other Executive Committee Members
Members are asked to note that any nominated candidate should signify their agreement to their nomination.
Any member who wishes to nominate a candidate for election to the Executive Committee should do so in writing to be received by the secretary Sue Mulvany, Little Crag, Crook, Kendal, LA8 8LE or by email at [email protected] by Friday 24 March 20